Personal Injury & Workers' Compensation

Personal Injury Attorneys in South Louisiana

Accidents happen, but some things can be avoided. If you’ve been hurt through negligence or intentional malice of a business, employer, or individual, it can seem like your life has been turned upside down. Injuries can mean you’re unable to work, bills go unpaid, and your livelihood is now in jeopardy. Filing a claim in court could be the only way to seek recourse, especially if the at-fault party doesn’t claim responsibility. 

The statute of limitations in Louisiana expires one year after the date of the accident, but don’t wait to seek legal advice. You could be eligible for damages as a result of your injury, and time is most valuable in a personal injury claim. The people or entity responsible for your injury can be liable for your medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and more. 

If you’ve been hurt, intentionally or through someone else’s negligence, you could have a rightful claim in court. We have over fifteen years of experience fighting for clients and have secured thousands of dollars in compensation for victims. Call us at the Gabe A. Duhon Law Firm today at (337) 893-3423 to schedule your initial consultation. 


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Experienced and Local Attorneys Here for You


105 Tivoli Street
Abbeville, LA

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